Thursday, December 3, 2009

Statistical Thinking for Managers or Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with Java

Statistical Thinking for Managers

Author: David K Hildebrand

Focusing on the analysis of data using modern statistical and spreadsheet software, Hildebrand and Ott emphasize making sense of data and discuss not only how a statistical method is applied, but why and why not. Throughout the book, the authors integrate computer use into the development of statistical concepts, emphasizing the value of looking at data to make sure the right questions are being asked. The real-life applications and examples throughout challenge students to think like managers. The case that concludes every chapter asks students to deal with a relatively unstructured situation and to explain the statistical reasoning in nontechnical language. Modern statistical methods, including resampling and bootstrapping are included. In addition, the authors emphasize quality control and improvement throughout the book and include three full chapters on regression and correlation methods.

Read also Once in a Lifetime Trips or On This Earth

Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with Java

Author: Frank Carrano

Data Structures/Java


Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with Java, 2/E

Frank M. Carrano, University of Rhode Island

Janet Prichard, Bryant University

ISBN: 0321304284



The Second Edition of Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with Java: Walls and Mirrors, presents fundamental problem-solving and object-oriented programming skills by focusing on data abstraction (the Walls) and recursion (the Mirrors).  It is fully revised to use the latest version of the Java programming language (Java 5.0). Java 5.0 is particularly well suited for presenting object-oriented programming, and helps enhances this edition’s increased focus on object-oriented programming and data abstraction. Clear, accessible writing is complimented by a pedagogically rich presentation throughout this textbook.



The Second Edition includes:

  • Early and expanded attention to learning the Java language
  • Fully updated Java code and UML notation used for all psuedocode
  • Coverage of advances in Java 5.0 such asgeneric types, iterators, and the Java Collections Framework
  • Examples that illustrate the role of classes and ADTs in the problem-solving process


“This book stands out as one of the best data structures books I have ever seen. It offers fine coverage of data structures and problem-solving techniques, and presents material in an elegant way that students can easily understand.”

Eric Jiang, University of San Diego



"Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with Java: Walls and Mirrors is an effective tool for introducing students to systematic solution design and lucid programming style. Walls and Mirrors makes teaching simpler and learning easier through its clear explanation of concepts, elaborate illustrative examples, and wide-ranging selection of problems."

Sandip Sen, The University of Tulsa



“The strength of Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with Java: Walls and Mirrors lies in its systematic approach to developing problem solving and programming skills.  It provides clear, effective coverage of the fundamentals of software development.” 

Chakib Chraibi, Barry University

Table of Contents:
Pt. 1Problem-solving techniques1
1Review of Java fundamentals3
2Principles of programming and software engineering65
3Recursion : the mirrors113
4Data abstraction : the walls171
5Linked lists221
Pt. 2Problem solving with abstract data types291
6Recursion as a problem-solving technique293
9Advanced Java topics421
10Algorithm efficiency and sorting463
12Tables and priority queues601
13Advanced implementations of tables657
15External methods781
App. AA comparison of Java to C++821
App. BUnicode character codes (ASCII subset)825
App. CJava resources826
App. DMathematical induction828

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